Contribute to Srujna

There are many reasons why 56 companies and 155 individuals have chosen to contribute to Srujna.

Guidestar Transparency Key

GuideStar India is India’s largest and most reliable online information repository. We have been awarded the prestigious GuideStarIndia Transparency Key award for 2018 and have joined India’s largest pool of credible NGOs after undergoing a rigorous due diligence process

India Sustainability Leadership Awards Certificate of Merit 2018

Srujna was presented the with a Certificate of Merit for Contribution to Social Cause & Empowerment by ‘World CSR Day & World Sustainability’. The impact of Srujna’s work being represented at a national platform and validated by World CSR Day.

FCRA & 80G

We can also receive foreign funds and the donors will get 80G certificate for tax exemption.

Third party Audited Accounts

We value transparency and accountability. Every year account statements of Srujna are being audited by third party auditors and are published annually in the annual reports, which are available on public domains.

Our Mission

To provide skills and knowledge to underprivileged women through trainings and workshops, to transform them into independent, confident and contributing members of their families and communities.

Our Supporters

More than 56 companies and organizations have supported Srujna, financially and non-financially. We are grateful for their enthusiasm and commitment to the cause and the trust they have placed in us.